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Internet is Scarce

this has been a Bizarre trip
any and everything has gone wrong, which has made it Incredibly Right....

I've been thinking about the Titles for the sections, and its changed a dozen times...
1. "How do you say I'm an Idiot and ran out of gas, in Thai"
(when you're sitting atop a mountain in the middle of nowhere....)
2. "Yes I know everything is closed for the Songkran festival, but I have flat tire"
3. "Wow, that is a big spider....."

and on and on it goes....
has been a good trip so far, and when I have A)more time, and B)good connection
will upload some more PICTURES :)

this trip has been 'coined' the Rob Lies trip
I don't think I've told Bill ONE thing that has been right
a) I'm sunburnt (from Bangkok) (I have NEVER seen a blue sky there b4)
b) its 30+ degrees, and I'm cold
c) there are not bugs/mosquitos in thailand.... (I'm half right on that one, but
the Facking BugS
d) it's always cloudy in North Thailand
e) it doesn't rain in April

there are so many, I've drawn a BlanK

anyway, hope I can Post Some PicS and Vid SOON


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