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"View from la hamaca"

It was not an easy task, making a Slide/Video Presentation from "doing nothing" for 3wks
but Alas, I've given it a go….

Of course it's too long, I think 60min, so I've included some things here, that I won't have time to go over before the start.
included are five google earth screen shots of "Where" I went in Colombia, and where the pictures are from

This is my Second attempt at creating a presentation that is 'not' in Chronological order, but rather, based on 'themes'
I should stop tormenting myself and just "Select All" and create Slideshow… but I don't, and instead, you'll see what I've
done virtually non-stop for the last, oh month…. as you all know, sorting thousands of slides, and hours of video
to make Something… that you Hope, is Entertaining…..

and if you like, a Song to get you in the Colombian mood
(I was handed this cd as I was leaving a hotel, evidently from a new artist trying to break into the scene… it's pretty good actually)
(I like to joke, I don't have to understand spanish, to get the jest of this video…. don't put your girlfriends bed on top of tree, she'll get angry, and leave…)

Colombia "View from la hamaca"

Chapter 1.
View from "la hamaca"
Cafe del Mar
Scenery (black and white vs color)

Chapter 2.
Colombian Coffee
el Baluarte (1 of only 2 Lounges on the wall)
Taganga (Santa Marta) Beach Hike
Museo de Arte (Cartagena)
Museo de Oro (Cartagena)
Cartagena Architecture

Chapter 3.
El Palacio de la Inquisicion
Las Bobedas (the dungeon shops)

Chapter 4.
Cartagena, the Old City
Hike: Cascadas de Valencia
the Beach life

Chapter 5.
el Carnaval de Barranquilla
Party party Party
Plaza de Santa Domingo
Museo de Arte (Barranquilla)

Chapter 6.
beach puppies
Los Naranjos


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