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amra National Round 3 Calgary

here's a short slide show, pretty much just of "our" family racing.
Cody, Christy, and of course, me....
I was/am just coming off a broken collarbone, so was/am really taking it easy,
and didn't enter all the races I typically would.
In one race, all I woulda had to do is Finish, and I coulda "podium'd"
but my bike broke,,,,, sigh.....
I took it as a sign.
Cody and Christy both did well, but more importantly, had fun....
One photo, you may say, hey, did Cody finish 2nd and You 3rd????
Perhaps, but as I said on the podium, it was like "taking a knife to a gun fight"
Both first and 2nd place bikes are 2stroke 65cc beasts (roughly 15hp??)
and I was on a 100cc four stroke, lucky if it makes 6ho
(Really shouldn't even be in the same class, but, hey, thats the way it is,,,,)
Ok!! Hope you enjoy SlideShow!!!!


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