#WorldCup Ten Days Away http://youtu.be/TGtWWb9emYI This should help! Who's your favorite team? Who's your team to beat? With 32 teams, really you should have some backups! I think I'm cheering for 8 or 9.. HaHA just kidding, 3, 4 with a couple having a viable chance, aka no one from Africa Asia, or concaf, which rules out my #1 team Mexico. conmobol has a "good" chance of success although my 2nd team likely won't make it either, Colombia. I have to cheer for Colombia, as my wife is Colombian, so I'm actually really glad them and Mexico wouldn't meet till, Ohhh the semi's or something.. pretty good chance that won't happen. So, who's it gonna be?! Germany, Argentina who Wouldn't like a Argentina Brazil final, not sure there groups line up that they could, but at some point they'd have to meet, than That would be the final..